Eye Candy is: something purely aesthetically pleasing, that is, pleasing to the senses.


Eye Candy is: something purely aesthetically pleasing, that is, pleasing to the senses.


With November came alot of change…good change. Brisk cold weather, holiday lights, pumpkin pie, family and friends from out of town, new friends, winter coats, gloves, sequins and holiday dresses. I love how the sun goes down earlier, I love waking up to the rain pouring down outside, listening to Christmas music on the radio, planning holiday parties and decorating the house with our giant Christmas tree! So for this month’s eye candy, here is a collection of things that have caught my eye over the course of November…enjoy!

metallic gold lanterns // rihanna’s red curls // the beatles // retro patterns // blue skies and camel colored coats // buttons // sequins & sparkle // acorns // metallic olive green nail polish // brewing tea with our new tea machine // robins egg blue & burnt orange // slouchy cardigans // denim layers // holiday wreath // colorful bouquets // sunflower clock // black dramatic dresses // lanvin


According the urban dictionary Eye Candy is: something purely aesthetically pleasing, that is, pleasing to the senses. Lately, I’ve been doing alot of designing. One of the major things I’ve worked on these past couple weeks is my 2011 packaging and brand makeover. Its been such an experience finding inspiration and creating something that is a reflection of ME. Being a designer actually makes it more difficult for me to create something that mirrors everything I see in my head. I thought it would be fun to post glimpses into what my brain is recording as inspiration…the things my eyes are drawn to…where I pull my inspiration from. Every day I find something new so I thought I’d share my monthly eye candy collection in order to inspire you and give you a peek into what goes on in this analytical brain of mine! Hope you enjoy!

burnt orange leather // vintage travel cases //funky yet exotic flowers // tights // olive green // sequins // moody portraits // an old photograph of my insanely stylish grandmother // coral red // photo proof sheets // colored envelopes// big hair // chunky sweaters and looped scarves // deep purple // san serifs and negative space // unique composition // wood grain // red lipstick // colored paint over black and white photographs // fashion editorials–always! // santa barbara // grey walls // faux fur

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