For some time now I have been working on my portfolio site and I am so happy to say that it has finally launched! New branding…new business cards…new site…aaah. I can finally sleep comfortably knowing that  my biggest project is out of the way. Its always so difficult designing for yourself. I tend to be a bit fickle when it comes to my own look and feel but this time I’m finally content. Check it out and show me some love!

Also, become a fan of my page on FACEBOOK


Vanessa and Quinn are getting married in August and I am definitely looking forward to shooting their San Francisco wedding. I have been so lucky to be a part of their wedding journey up until now…from shooting the photos and designing their invites! I get to merge both of my favorite things together. I met Vanessa back in high school so it was so nice to hear from her again years later and to meet Quinn too! They are both so sweet and have such a love for each other that is so evident.  It was so much fun to spend the day with them and tell their story. Wish you two the best, can’t wait for August! You can view their engagement slideshow here!! View their engagement slideshow here!!


Vanessa and Quinn wanted a unique wedding invitation for their August wedding. I incorporated elements of her lace dress and mixed it with natural elements that she loved: branches, tree and cute little lovebirds. I also designed a custom monogram as their wedding logo. The full set includes: Invite, RSVP cards, custom labels and envelopes. I also had the opportunity to shoot their engagement session…will post that soon!


I had the pleasure of learning the Art Of Directing from one of the most talented photographers that I know, Tanja Lippert. I have always admired Tanja’s work and as soon as I found out she was opening up her home to teach photographers what she knows, I couldn’t resist the opportunity! Tanja is so much more than just a talented photographer, she has the most amazingly fun and outgoing personality ever. When I opened the door and walked in to her place, she greeted me with a chicken costume on…no joke! I knew I was in for an exciting day! When I was still in college, years ago, pre art-school, I remember noticing a photograph on the wall at my local starbucks. It was a photograph of a bride and groom holding hands in front of an old rundown barn. The barn doors had such beautiful texture and it was the most out-of-the-box wedding portrait I had ever seen, the juxtaposition of the elegant bridal gown and the old rundown barn was something I hadn’t seen back then, but I knew I loved it. I quickly went and asked the barista who’s work that was on the wall and I kept Tanja’s name in the back of my mind. I’ve always had a passion for photography, art, and images that speak volumes so when I saw that picture I knew that this girl, whoever she was, was someone I just had to meet. Long story short and almost 5 years later, Tanja Lippert inspired me to pursue photography, to be a woman who loves her craft and dares to take the images that live in my brain and bring them to life! It was an honor to shoot next to her during this workshop, to learn from her and to have my photography work be affirmed by her. Everyone out there has someone who has inspired them to some degree and Tanja is someone who continues to do that for me. These are the images that I captured throughout our day. The makeup and styling was done by the amazing Tia…isn’t it gorgeous?!

identity project: JOYFUL Portraits

Joyful Portraits is owned by Shadee Azmoudeh, a Dallas, Texas native and my beautiful cousin. I was so excited when she emailed me and asked me to help her rebrand her photography business. I guess the love of photography runs in the family, huh? When she contacted me she really needed something that reflected her design aesthetic. At the time, all she had was a simple script as her logo and a damask background. I can’t stress enough how important branding is to any company. Branding, marketing and design really shapes the face of your company. What do you want people to see? What message do you want to send with your work? Investing in a designer and really evaluating your design aesthetic, taking a look at yourself and evaluating what you’re passionate about is, well, priceless.

Shadee wanted a logo that really communicated a timeless, clean, natural and modern approach. A look that says, “reliable”, “joyful” and “natural”. Like for all my clients, I started out gathering inspiration and that told her story and reflected her style.  I used a mixture of her own images and also pulled images that illustrated what she described in order to help lay the foundation for the design. From there, I allowed the creative process to begin. I designed her logo and from there created unique, custom business cards that enhanced her new look and feel. Here’s what she had to say about the process: ” I’ve wanted to rebrand my company for over 5 years but never found anyone that could truly grasp my style. The logo, colors, and overall branding that you came up with, using only a few suggestions from my end, have exceeded my expectations BY FAR. I know Joyful Portrait’s new look will lead to great things and I can only hope that you continue to share your truly unbelievable talent. Thank you Studio Moradi! God bless!” Check out her work online here,

Interested in rebranding? Email me at for more info. I’d love to work with you!

northern california portrait photographer, san francisco | the Chanels

Sarah and Yasmin are two amazing women that I am so blessed to call friends. We spent the day in SF and I couldn’t resist a little photoshoot at some of my favorite little spots in the city. Sometimes you find hidden gems as you drive around and I knew I just had to come back to this spot and who better with than these two beautiful ladies?! They both have played such key roles in my life…
Yasmin is a beautiful person inside and out. She has such a passion for life, a zeal for creativity and art and can hold her own no matter where she goes. So many creative ideas have been birthed out of hanging out together…from all nighters to road trips…conversations have turned into amazing art pieces. Its such a blessing to have a friend who appreciates the same art as you do because sometimes you run out of inspiration or sometimes you just feel pretty overwhelmed and Yasmin has been there at times in my life where I’ve needed someone to tell me to keep going and to quit being lame and get back into it. She’s been there for me over the years, through the ups and downs…no matter what gets thrown in our way, I know that she’s one friend who is in my life for the long haul.

Sarah has such a genuine heart. Her honesty and depth have been a huge strength in my life when I’ve needed it most. There is so much depth to Sarah, so much inside her heart that just pours out when you spend time with her. I love our deep talks and our hours of analyzing things and finding solutions for things that may seem way too big for us to tackle. Her joy is super contagious and I can’t remember a time where we haven’t laughed over the most ridiculous things! We met back in 2004 when we both lived in Texas but it wasn’t until after she married my friend Mani and moved out to Cali that we became good friends. We both got married in the same year and  have been able to walk through our first years of marriage together, and I can’t wait to share more of what life will bring in the years to come!I <3 you Chanels!

northern california photographer, palo alto | Jennie&Donnie

Jennie and Donnie got married in the bay area and held their reception at a hotel in Palo Alto, CA. I love Palo Alto, its one of Arash and I’s favorite places and one day dream of owning a home there. The hotel was located in the center of downtown, which if you’ve ever visited downtown Palo Alto you know of its unique vibe. There are hidden gems all around Palo Alto and as a photographer its always fun to go explore. Second shooting has been so much fun, there is so much room to play and capture the moments that may be a bit more candid, which I love. I had a great time shooting alongside Ashley Maxwell, as always! Jennie and Donnie are such a sweet couple. You could tell how much they truly loved each other because all nerves went out the window once Jennie saw Donnie. Their bridal party was so much fun too…the guys made me laugh quite a few times with their jokes…nothing like a good ole’ “manly bonding” (The Wedding Planner reference, anyone?!) The girls were just beautiful in their black dresses and pink accents, weren’t they?! I always thought black bridesmaid dresses would look amazing with bright flowers, love it!

northern california photographer, saratoga | A Red&Black Affair

Mahsa and Hamed are getting married next weekend and I am definitely looking forward to celebrating with all their friends and family. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mahsa since we were teenagers. I remember running around playing “ditch” boys vs girls and Mahsa was the fastest out of all of us girls. Whenever the girls needed a representative to compete against the boys, we’d have Mahsa do the job and she never failed us! The years have gone by and she is a stunning woman inside and out, one of the classiest by far. Her beauty radiates through that gorgeous smile! I am so beyond thrilled that she has found the man of her dreams. Their shower was a show-stopper! Located in the sunny Saratoga hills, at a private secluded vineyard. All the guests wore white and the bride-to-be wore a stunning vintage Christian Dior dress. It was like no other shower I had ever been to, I felt like I was in a movie…it reminded me of The Great Gatsby. There was something very special about the entire day, from the heart-shaped watermelon slices to the gorgeous surroundings…it was simply beautiful.

change is gonna come

Lately things have been super busy, I haven’t abandoned my blog though…good things are yet to come!! I have had the pleasure of attending some amazing workshops, working with some pretty great clients and shooting some super fun stuff. Can’t wait to post some new things soon!! Oh…and I’m in the process of a major blog/website redesign so I apologize if things begin to change on you a bit…its gonna be worth it, promise.

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