He’s the newest addition to the family and a huge surprise to me! Arash came home with a basket in his hand, “Merry Christmas” and as he turned the basket to face me, there he was…the cutest little Maltipoo I could ever have dreamed of!! We had talked about getting a puppy but we never really agreed on the timing. So I thought I had to do some convincing and as months went by, I gave up on it and figured we’d get one…someday. Little did I know, Arash had contacted a breeder months ago, picked out the little guy as soon as he was born and sure enough two months later, he flew in from Chicago to his new home in Mountain View California. Already, he has stolen our hearts! He’s the sweetest, quietest little puppy ever. He loves to cuddle with Arash and its the cutest thing to see. He follows me around everywhere and hops around the grass outside. Its the funny to watch him try and climb up the stairs, since he can’t even reach the first step! He’s unreal. I keep looking at him and thinking he’s a stuffed animal and he’s all mine! I now have a little guy to keep me company when I’m editing and designing during the day. LOVE!
Merry Christmas to you, with LOVE.
May you have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends! Enjoy your holiday and soak in all the rest you can get…may your Christmas be full of joy and may the new year bring many many blessings. This year has been amazing and I’m so blessed to be living this life. 2010 brought us many changes and many blessings: Arash got a new job, we said goodbye to the San Francisco commute, I finally launched my own photography & design business, we traveled, I was able to learn from amazing mentors in the business, I fell in love with shooting weddings, our dearest friends got married, we entered our second year of marriage, we learned more about our callings and our purpose, we laughed uncontrollably, we had dance parties…sometimes by ourselves, took a road trip to LA, creativity was unleashed…we’re looking forward to what 2011 will bring! A big thank YOU to everyone who has supported me in this last year with the launch of my business, here’s to another great year! May you and your family be blessed in the New Year.
Inspired by // Fashion Photographer Mario Testino
Bay Area Portrait Photographer | Holiday Session: Romero Family
I don’t know about you but there is something so warm, endearing and lovely about the trees right now. Warm reds, oranges, yellows…they light up the streets everywhere I go and I have to hold myself back from stopping and photographing each one. The Romero Family mirror my feelings about these trees because they exude a warmth that is so contagious, you just want to be around them all day long. From the moment I walked into their home I felt like family. I began to play outside with little Sophia and Paula and I instantly knew we were going to have alot of fun shooting. These girls are so adorable! Adriana, thank you SO much for inviting me into your home and allowing me to capture your beautiful family!!
Off To Seattle!
Arash and I are heading out to Seattle for a few days for a little vacation…a much needed one! Seattle has been one of the spots we’ve always wanted to go see, so we’re super excited to explore and be inspired. I’ll be sure to blog our findings when we get back! But until then, I thought I’d leave this little guy on the blog. I love all his facial expressions! Its what I feel when I tackle my to do list!! haha! Have a great rest of the week, and weekend everyone!
Interested in booking a portrait session? check out my Holiday Mini Sessions, still have time to book before Christmas!! Email me at delbarrmoradi@me.com to book.
Bay area portrait photographer | Holiday Session: Haque Family
For the month of December, I’m shooting mini photo sessions for the holidays and I was so excited to be able to photograph the Haque/Cochran family. Natalie and I went to high school together and it had been ages since we had seen each other. I got an email from her dad asking about my mini holiday sessions and I couldn’t have been more excited to get to see this beautiful family again and get to meet little Kaden for the first time! Natalie and Chad’s adorable son Kaden was a dream to photograph, does it get much cuter? I mean really. I loved the time I got to spend with them, they are such a sweet family! Here are few from the shoot…if you’re interested in booking a mini session email me using the contact form above.
With November came alot of change…good change. Brisk cold weather, holiday lights, pumpkin pie, family and friends from out of town, new friends, winter coats, gloves, sequins and holiday dresses. I love how the sun goes down earlier, I love waking up to the rain pouring down outside, listening to Christmas music on the radio, planning holiday parties and decorating the house with our giant Christmas tree! So for this month’s eye candy, here is a collection of things that have caught my eye over the course of November…enjoy!
metallic gold lanterns // rihanna’s red curls // the beatles // retro patterns // blue skies and camel colored coats // buttons // sequins & sparkle // acorns // metallic olive green nail polish // brewing tea with our new tea machine // robins egg blue & burnt orange // slouchy cardigans // denim layers // holiday wreath // colorful bouquets // sunflower clock // black dramatic dresses // lanvin
Bay Area Portrait Photographer | HOLIDAY MINI SESSIONS
Its my favorite time of year! Every where I go I see christmas lights and holiday themed storefront windows, and we finally get to enjoy some perfectly crisp weather! In honor of Thanksgiving tomorrow, I thought I’d give you one more thing to be thankful for. Holiday mini-sessions are here! Don’t know what to get mom for Christmas? Every mom loves a great family picture. Want to do something creative with your significant other? Let’s do a mini session and rekindle the romance, shall we? There’s so much you can do with photographs, so many creative ways to share them. So why not add this to your wish list? Now available weekdays and weekends through December 21st.
I’ve partnered up with Minted.com to offer you some pretty rad holiday gift ideas from cards to calendars…they have so many great designs to choose from. Being a designer myself, I find that some photo cards I’ve seen out there can be cheesy BUT when I stumbled upon Minted.com I wanted to create some cards for Arash and myself too! I just LOVE the new calendar designs too, what a great addition to any office, eh? All the cards and calendars have such unique, modern designs with matching envelopes and labels…LOVE. Be sure to check them out here. With every holiday mini session, you can use your favorite photos to enhance any design or product you choose from Minted.com.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone!!
Thank You! Forget Me Knot Wedding Blog
I am so happy to be working with Megan from Forget Me Knot Weddings. If you haven’t been reading her blog be sure to check it out for really unique and beautiful shoots, inspiration and wedding goodness! Keep an eye out for an upcoming shoot we’ll be doing together real soon. Thanks Megan for the post…can’t wait to see what inspiring things we come up with!
to my beautiful sister, on her 23rd birthday…
Her smile is beyond contagious, and her passion and love for people is obvious to any one who interacts with her. She’s my younger sister whose unconditional love for me was what helped me bounce back from a rough season in my life years ago. It was the love and joy that she had in her life that made me realize there was alot missing in mine. God used her in a BIG way to show me where I could be and the grace and love that was there for me all along. To this day her joy is still something I admire, her positive outlook on life always puts my analytical mind in check. Over the years there has never been a quiet moment with us…well, even if I was quiet she’d be singing something…from Newsies to Sister Act…we never had a dull moment! haha We have been so close and only continue to get closer and closer as we get older. I’m a blessed girl to have Sogol as my sister. There has been so much we’ve been through and the memories flood my mind as I write this… Singing in the mirror, sleeping all day in France because we were jetlagged, traveling to Haiti together, serving alongside each other, walking down the isle and seeing her standing there by my side, long talks about life, love and our futures, getting advice from each other, laughing till we cry, making up dances and making ugly faces in the mirror….I can go on…but I’ll spare you. ha!
Sogol, I can’t wait to see this next chapter of your life unfold. I can’t believe you’re 23!! What? Are we getting old? I’m so proud of you for all your accomplishments…college grad is right around the corner and I can’t believe my little sister is going on to become the best Physical Therapist the world has seen. You are truly, truly a woman who inspires many to live better and you never cease to pour out the love that is in your heart. Thank you for being my best friend, confidant and constant source of encouragement. I’m so blessed to have you as my sister, a bond that can never be broken. May this year be the best year yet, may we have more nights of laughter, more songs in the mirror and many many more amazing moments to cherish along the way. Here’s to an amazing 23rd year, Sas!!