We welcomed our newest (and sweetest!) little addition to our family. Aria Brienz Moradi was born on July 20th and ever since we’ve hit the ground running. So many people ask me “what its like with two kids, now?” “how do you juggle work and life at home?” — well, all I can say is that its beautiful chaos. I wouldn’t trade this season of life for anything. Although there are times where I may be on the phone and I’ve got a baby screaming, a toddler in the middle of a tantrum and a pup at my feet begging to be let out. Those are the moments that I think my life couldn’t get any crazier but after that wave of madness passes Im reminded of just how insanely beautiful it is to be a mom. Its like another layer of responsibility but a welcomed one! A mother to two tiny humans and one little furry puppy is quite possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me. As a creative artist, I love my job, clients and industry so much — this journey has been unreal and I truly love what I get to do everyday. Ive been so blessed to find a career that makes me come alive creatively and as a mom, I think its beyond important to have that outlet for myself. But as time passes, I realize more and more that being a working mom is so much more than I bargained for. My hope is to pass on to my girls a love for creativity, independence and an unapologetic courage that can shatter stereotypes and boundaries. I hope they learn to run after the things that make them come alive and leave a lasting impact on the world around them. There are so many things I want to share with them as they grow up and this is only the beginning. Im thankful for you, my clients and friends who have followed along and continue to follow this crazy beautiful ride with me. Thanks for all the sweet cards, emails and texts — you all are the best. Cheers!!
photo by Meg Perotti