This year has been the most life changing year of them all. From my personal family life to my business and career, 2013 proved to be the year that changed it all. I feel like I could write a novel about all the different things that happened this year and all the friendships that have really shaped and blessed me. Words can’t do that any justice — I’m just so thankful to God for blessing me with such a solid community and friends who encourage and challenge me artistically and spritually. It’s funny how things work out and how we have no idea where our lives will take us but this year really felt like everything in my life just clicked. Our photography business grew so much this year…for one thing we brought on Becky who has been so incredible and supportive! We reached some major goals like getting published in Martha Stewart Weddings Magazine — which is nothing short of a dream come true. We had the best season working with the most special clients and vendors. Seriously, our clients make me love my job so much and I feel so blessed to be able to photograph some of the most important events in their lives. I can’t thank you all enough for the support, friendship and love!
On a more personal note, I turned 30 this year and you know they say…for a woman, that’s a big turning point and it really has been. I feel like I’ve come into my own and becoming a mom was something that blew me away. I was mentally prepared for it, excited and ready but what surprised me the most was the love I have for this little doll of a daughter. In April, Delara was born — and instantly our lives became richer and our priorities shifted. I became a mother. A mother to one of the sweetest, happiest babies I’ve ever come across. She couldn’t be more of a blessing to us. I can easily say, that Delara has been the biggest and best thing that happened to us in 2013 — and that’s saying a lot because this year has been nothing short of incredible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all our friends, clients, vendors and family who have walked along side us this year, supported, encouraged and laughed with us along the way. Your presence in our lives truly make us feel so much joy. We can’t wait to see what 2014 has for us! Cheers friends! Here’s to another exciting and life changing year…2014 we’re coming for you.
Our family photography was done by our good friends Encarnacion Photography

Stunning…really beautiful and the glow is amazing!