Our little Delara is 6 months today! Its so insane how fast time flies, it felt like just yesterday we were driving her home from the hospital. She’s the most precious gift Arash and I could ever ask for and we genuinely thank God with all our hearts for how much joy she’s added to our lives. While I’m pretty sure she has the cutest passport photo ever, I know she’s going to out grow that passport in no time. She’s definitely a curious little lady and such a great traveler! At just 8 weeks, she traveled across the country to Toronto where slept through the night for the first time! In August she swam in her first ocean and touched her feet on the sands of Hawaii. She survived her first road trip to Los Angeles and has already been a guest at three weddings! We can’t wait to show her more of the world – I guess we have a new little sidekick to travel with. Now to get a camera in her hands!
Her newest developments are by far the most adorable…she’s learned to sit up, roll over on her belly (although she can’t really roll back, yet!), and she basically wants to grab everything and anything you put in front of her. She’s found her voice and loves singing along with me as I rock her to sleep at night. Its incredible to watch her grow before our eyes…its still so surreal to think that just 6 months ago, she was growing inside my belly. Arash and I are constantly in awe that she is ours. We love our little Delara Berlin so much! Happy half-birthday, baby girl.