We are thrilled to welcome our little Delara to the world! She was born on April 23 at 12:10pm, weighing only 7 lbs 1.6 oz, and 19.5 in long. The whole delivery experience really was miraculous. You hear so many stories and you attend birthing classes, but its such a surreal experience. I mean, for 9 months, this little baby was growing inside my belly and then before you know it, the doctor laid her on my chest, and there she was, wiggling around, breathing, crying — I was in awe. Arash and I just kept staring at her and then staring at each other, in complete disbelief. This little human being is ours?? And just like that, in a matter of seconds we were officially parents, responsible for this sweet girl and her full head of hair. ha! The last 4 weeks have been a whirlwind filled with what seems like endless diaper changes and feeding sessions. Our timetable for each day has turned completely upside down — sometimes I can’t even remember what day we’re on. Taking time off to adjust has been so refreshing and we are most definitely enjoying every second with her. I’m pretty convinced God creates babies to be super cute because He knows what sacrifices we will need to make for them, as parents. I never thought that waking up at 3am every day would be possible for me but one look at her face, and I forget all about time.
A big huge thank you to all our friends, family and sweet couples who have gone out of their way to help us, support us, feed us and encourage us during this time. We feel so loved!! We can’t wait to have you meet our girl in person — if only she knew how loved she already is by all of you! xoxo Delbarr & Arash

This is so lovely. Your nursery was always beautiful, but now that Delara is wiggling around in it, it is perfectly complete. I am so in awe of the two of you as you are adjusting to parenthood. Delara is so blessed.
She is so beautiful and that room is gorgeous. I love all of the details and prints on the walls! 🙂 Congrats again!
love love love.
LOVE. honestly Delbs she is such a gorgeous sweet little baby. and your nursery needs to be on an interior design blog — BREATH TAKING! 🙂
pure perfection <3.
what a beautiful baby and room!
Gorgeous little girl! Congrats! Hope all is well.
so beautiful, a huge congratulations! and, I can’t believe I’m asking you this, but WHERE did you find those cool silvery bins on your shelves? I have the same ikea bookshelf and have been searching for good ones!
sweet sweet girl. the nursery looks so good mama. I’m so impressed by you not only keeping it so clean but getting all these amazing pics of it and blogging about it. you are my hero.
This is so beautiful! I knew you were going to have something so thoughtful and sincere for your baby’s nursery and you did not disappoint. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful just like her momma!
This is WONDERFUL! So happy for you all and loved the photos, thank you for sharing!
My Cutenessss! Ofcours such cuteness would come out of you! & then the room! My my! she’s blessed with such parents! <3
Delbar jan Delara is gorgeous and you are an amazing interior designer. Love the pictures.