If you follow my instagram, you’ll see there’s quite a bit of growing going on. Our lives are quickly changing as baby girl continues to grow inside this belly of mine. I’m officially 31 weeks pregnant and its still so surreal to think that come April, we’ll have a little baby to add to the fam. Arash and I have been busy with redecorating the house…and its so much fun! I finally get to focus on our bedroom — yay for a new bed and art on the walls! The nursery is also well on its way and we’ve officially become organizing masters. There’s something so refreshing about going through all your stuff and organizing and clearing things out. Out with the old and in with the new, right? As we look forward to the next few months we’re so excited for all the weddings and creative projects we’ll be shooting this year too — our calendar is quickly filling up and as we plan and schedule our weekends, its crazy to think how fast time is flying by. We’ve been surrounded by such love and support in these last few months…friends have sent us the most adorable clothes and gifts and have offered so much help and encouragement — its really a blessing. I can’t thank you all enough. Big hug from me to you.