If you know me, you know there is this hunger inside me to be a part of great change. To see something change and impact the world for the greater good. My heart beats for it and as a photographer, I love documenting it, telling the story. I’ve traveled to Haiti and spoke to hundreds of Haitians, joined in the global fight to stop sex trafficking all over the world and walked the streets of Cairo, in hopes of making some sort of difference through prayer and simple, real relationships. Nothing makes me feel more alive or passionate than seeing people, artists, storytellers, voices, come together and spark an incredible movement, drawing attention to something we can so easily ignore. We work, we go to school, we travel, we live comfortable lives here in the US and I know that God has blessed me and continues to provide SUCH amazing experiences and opportunities for a purpose. For a greater impact. My art, my talent, my passions can also be used for causes like this. After watching this video, I couldn’t ignore this call. How can you? The child soldiers in Africa have been on my radar for years thanks to Invisible Children and this year they are determined to go even more viral with their message, their challenge. I hope you watch this and I hope you get involved…it could be a simple signature, wearing the bracelet or simply just sharing this video on Facebook. Its not everyday that something this big comes along and I’m excited to be part of this change. Check out KONY2012 for all the info you need to get involved and spread the word.

How can I help stop this monster?..i rily wana help please
Check out kony2012.com! You can help by signing the letter on the homepage, sharing the video and joining the movement by registering. There is tons of great info in the video and if u download the PDF or order the kit, you can help spread the word about Kony. The more people know, the more the issue becomes important in the eyes of our government and they can help capture him!