- I love the fall season. bring on the layers!
- I lived in Texas for a year.
- I grew up doing gymnastics.
- and played tennis competitively.
- I love musicals.
- and sing show tunes while I work sometimes.
- When I was a kid, I loved choreographing dances with my sister.
- Pretty sure we have some on video somewhere.
- When I feel sick, my mom would always make me tea with nabaat (rock candy in ‘farsi’ )
- — it still does the trick.
- My first paid job was at a dry cleaners–I was 14, and lasted a day.
- I have an unhealthy love for round table pizza.
- If I could have another job other than what I do now, I’d be an interior decorator.
- As a young in’ I used to be a proud member of the Lisa Frank club. yup.
- I journal all the time, in my moleskin journal.
- I have a bad habit of using sarcasm too often.
- I’m going to write a book.
- I have a terrible fear of snakes.
- I love doing pilates but I’m not as disciplined as I want to be.
- I’m a mac.
- I was the Editor in Chief of my yearbook in high school and fell in love with layout design there.
- I love the smell of lavender.
- My ideal way to relax is to spend a day at the spa.
- If I could have an endless supply of any dessert, it would be chocolate chip cookies.
- Some close to me say I do the best impressions and if its late enough, you’ll see some.
- I collected erasers, polished rocks, stickers and swatch-watches as a kid.
- If I could choose an actress to be, I’d be Kristin Wiig. Or Maya Rudolf.
- Dream location to shoot a wedding: Italy.
- Favorite holiday: Christmas.
- Would totally live in NYC.

woah, were you reading my diary when you wrote this up?
uncanny ๐
Ditto to number 9, 10 + 14! All the cool kids were part of lisa frank ๐
one of the best posts haha. i could totally imagine you reading these off to me in person as i read these. why are we twin souls? all i collected as a kid: 1. erasers 2. stickers. and 3. polished rocks!!! LOL i thought i was the only one with the rocks hahahaha. and i still have my erasers in a Keropi case! LOL