May you have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends! Enjoy your holiday and soak in all the rest you can get…may your Christmas be full of joy and may the new year bring many many blessings. This year has been amazing and I’m so blessed to be living this life. 2010 brought us many changes and many blessings: Arash got a new job, we said goodbye to the San Francisco commute, I finally launched my own photography & design business, we traveled, I was able to learn from amazing mentors in the business, I fell in love with shooting weddings, our dearest friends got married, we entered our second year of marriage, we learned more about our callings and our purpose, we laughed uncontrollably, we had dance parties…sometimes by ourselves, took a road trip to LA, creativity was unleashed…we’re looking forward to what 2011 will bring! A big thank YOU to everyone who has supported me in this last year with the launch of my business, here’s to another great year! May you and your family be blessed in the New Year.