Her smile is beyond contagious, and her passion and love for people is obvious to any one who interacts with her. She’s my younger sister whose unconditional love for me was what helped me bounce back from a rough season in my life years ago. It was the love and joy that she had in her life that made me realize there was alot missing in mine. God used her in a BIG way to show me where I could be and the grace and love that was there for me all along. To this day her joy is still something I admire, her positive outlook on life always puts my analytical mind in check. Over the years there has never been a quiet moment with us…well, even if I was quiet she’d be singing something…from Newsies to Sister Act…we never had a dull moment! haha We have been so close and only continue to get closer and closer as we get older. I’m a blessed girl to have Sogol as my sister. There has been so much we’ve been through and the memories flood my mind as I write this… Singing in the mirror, sleeping all day in France because we were jetlagged, traveling to Haiti together, serving alongside each other, walking down the isle and seeing her standing there by my side, long talks about life, love and our futures, getting advice from each other, laughing till we cry, making up dances and making ugly faces in the mirror….I can go on…but I’ll spare you. ha!
Sogol, I can’t wait to see this next chapter of your life unfold. I can’t believe you’re 23!! What? Are we getting old? I’m so proud of you for all your accomplishments…college grad is right around the corner and I can’t believe my little sister is going on to become the best Physical Therapist the world has seen. You are truly, truly a woman who inspires many to live better and you never cease to pour out the love that is in your heart. Thank you for being my best friend, confidant and constant source of encouragement. I’m so blessed to have you as my sister, a bond that can never be broken. May this year be the best year yet, may we have more nights of laughter, more songs in the mirror and many many more amazing moments to cherish along the way. Here’s to an amazing 23rd year, Sas!!

definitely one of my favorite posts thus far.
so sweet and genuine.
and yes, JOY!!!
love you two. so much. :]
I am finally commenting and in honor of Sogol! I love this girl. My favorite part is about Newsies and Sister Act. Best memories ever……T-O-D-D-LER.
That is so beautiful and sogol deserves every word of it.