On Saturday I turned 1 year older and oddly enough it feels really refreshing. When I was younger I always imagined myself to be so grown up at twenty-five, and I never really dreamt much past that age. I imagined twenty-five to be the prime age, the moment I became an adult (ha!) and now I’m twenty-seven and realizing that so much of my life is just now taking off. I feel like I’m falling into place in so many areas of my life…spiritually, emotionally, physically…etc. My life has changed in the last two years drastically and I am beyond thankful for where I’m at now. So much of my life is taking root and beginning to grow on new soil. New friendships, new career, new sense of purpose and perspective. I feel so different from the girl I was even at twenty-five. I know that two years really isn’t a long time but I feel like the first twenty-five years of my life were a foundation, a time of finding who I was, what this life is about and who I am supposed to become. I’ve made alot of mistakes but learned alot from them all. The last two years has been a time of  positioning myself to walk in the direction I know I am supposed to be going.
I look around my life now and I see such stability, peace and freedom. Freedom to be ME. Freedom from hurts, freedom from old mindsets, freedom from feeling the need to fit a mold that was never me. I don’t know how to explain it but for so long I felt like I was held to certain expectations and it limited my every move at times. BUT I know I’m in a new season, its amazing, the feeling I have…its a new beginning and its impossible to take any steps backwards. I feel brand new. I guess there was a reason I was never able to imagine my life past twenty-five because I needed to experience so much in order to get here. I have grown in leaps and bounds over these last two years, as a woman, as a wife, as a daughter, as a sister and as a friend. Yesterday in church I was reminded of how far God has brought me, how much He’s blessed me and that my past is the past. He’s given me a new life and its up to me to take it and run. So here I go…no turning back!

what a beautiful post delbarr! so raw and beautifully written! you’re beautiful, and so is that sprinkles cupcake! hahahaha đŸ™‚ <3
I love this! So beautifully written… I’m so happy and blessed to have seen your transformation and to have been a part of your life during this time! Xo love u!
this is beautiful, delbs.
you are SUCH a blessing and a woman of character. thank God for 27!!
love you.