northern california photographer | Family Ties

I got the pleasure of shooting my cute niece and nephew’s bday party. Arash’s sister, Samira, hubby Saman and their adorable kids just moved back to Cali from Arizona. We are SO excited to have them home and to be able to share moments like this as the kids grow up together! Being the oldest in my family and recently married…we don’t really have alot of young kids on my side of the family…Arash and I are far from adding to the clan ourselves but in the meantime…we’ll soak up all the love and energy these guys have! I’m so thankful to have such an amazing extended family.

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  1. Maryam

    U r an immensely talented photographer!!!

  2. Dans

    oh my WORD!
    These pictures capture so much…they are gorgeous!

    The kids are getting so big. Who’s the baby?

  3. thank you! they are adorable kids aren’t they? Love them.
    The new addition is Bardia, Maryam’s (Arash’s step sister) new baby boy!

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