Loaded with 5,000 colorful illustrations, this 320-page guide explains how to ride an elephant, dance the tango, diaper a baby and get shot out of a cannon, all with minimal text. Sold over 100,000 copies worldwide and translated in over 20 languages, Show Me How has received numerous awards for design and illustration. It was also featured in HOW Magazine’s 2009 Design Annual. I had the pleasure of being a part of the Show Me How team, developing this guide and laying it out page by page. What alot of people don’t know is that we, as a team, developed every single one of these instruction sets, did them ourselves and storyboarded the entire process. Once we layed out our storyboards, we had them illustrated. Then we did the actual layout design and made this book come alive! We then launched our Show Me Now website that features daily blog posts showing how to do just about everything. This one book turned into a franchise of many more Show Me books including Show OFF, Show Me Cool, Show Me Love…and many more to come including More Show Me How, Show Me Baby, and even a Survival guide!