This is a special day, today marks a milestone, a goal reached, a dream manifested…my heart is overflowing with gratitude to the people who have taught me, encouraged me and have worked along side me over these last 5 years. Words can’t describe how excited I feel to not only see Anna & Tim’s wedding featured inside the November Special Issue of Martha Stewart Weddings but to also see my photograph on the cover!? It truly is a happy day…I’m still pinching myself over here. Five years ago, when I decided to photograph weddings, I had written down my goals for what I wanted to achieve as a photographer in the wedding industry. At the top of my list was to get published in Martha Stewart Weddings, a goal that at the time seemed so so far away. Now, to see this day arrive is the most affirming feeling I’ve had yet. You will probably see me smiling from ear to ear for a long time! I truly love what I do and feel so blessed to be able to do it for a living; I’ve found what makes me come alive. This business has been a labor of love, one of true passion, jumping in head first years ago and learning so much about running my own creative business from scratch — and never giving up. This feature, to me, means so much more than a cover of a magazine. It represents dedication perseverance and more importantly, it represents all the talent that I’ve been blessed to work with including the ever so talented Enjoy Events Co and Shotgun Floral who is featured here in the mag too. To me this feature represents every single couple who trusted me artistcally and allowed me to share their day with them. It represents the vendors and teachers in the industry who I have worked with and learned from, pushing me and inspiring me creatively every time. And most importantly, it represents the unending support from my husband and family and friends who have encouraged me with unconditional support. It felt like just yesterday when I decided to leave my graphic design job in SF to pursue this crazy photography dream. For any dreamer, for any risk taker, or any creative business owner pursuing what they are passionate about, I say never give up and just keep your head down and work at what you love. You’ll be rewarded in so many inexplicable ways and just maybe, you’ll reach those bigger-than-ever milestones before you know it! Cheers all around!

This is SO incredible! I am so excited for you Delbarr…Congrats! You reflect His beauty in all areas of your life.
Aw, thank you Ash. Your support is always so encouraging! xo
Congratulations, Delbarr on this milestone. I am where you were 5+ years ago and it is truly inspiring to read about your journey to this dream you made into a reality. I was browsing at Barnes & Noble when your cover caught my eye and rushed to the index so I could see more of your work. Your work is lovely and your words came at a time when I’m a little hesitant about going down a new path. Cheers to you and thank you for sharing yourself and your art.
Thank you so much for sharing, Reese! It really is a labor of love, and if you’re passionate about what you want to see happen…it will! All the best in this next season!
You are amazing! Congratulations- this is huge!!! Soooo happy for you!
thank you so much, Lili!
not surprised, even one bit. you belong in the spotlight! your photography is an art that few can rival. cheers to many more magazine covers in your future!